Surrounded By Stranger – "Buried Alive" EP

Tape release of “Buried Alive,” the debut EP from Surrounded By Strangers
Although closely related to post-punk, their actual genre is undetermined blending influences reminiscent of bands like Have A Nice Life, Afterimage, and Altar De Fey.
Hailing from Orange County, this project originated in early 2023 as a power trio, with lead guitarist and singer Jake Merideth almost solely playing and recording the EP. Since then, the band has expanded the lineup with a second guitarist and has played more than a dozen live shows.
The tapes, which include a J-card+2 with the lyrics, will start shipping in mid-August.
1. Spare The Rod 04:47
2. Sudden Death Syndrome 03:10
3. The Climb To Nine 03:27
4. Impending Doom 02:27
5. Humiliation Ritual 03:44
6. Knife Trick 03:19
Total time: 20:54